Wednesday, July 23, 2014

On Faith

From a chat transcript:

Faith is being fully convinced, fully persuaded that the bible is true when you have 100% proof that it is not
When you come up against the perception that things are 100% wrong, that's when faith comes into play
in fact, it's the perception that His Word is false that defines the parameters of faith
Faith is hard
Remember that God said He cannot be pleased except by faith
but why?
Why does faith matter to Him so much?
I mean, He could easily make it so that something else pleases Him, right?
It's because of His nature that faith is all that pleases Him
Remember that He is perfect integrity
He will not violate His own words even to the point of His own suffering
It's not possible for Him to break His word
It's just who He is
His throne is built upon justice
Perfect faithfulness
Therefore, we cannot relate to Him except through the lens of WHAT He is
If He is always faithful and perfect integrity, then we cannot allow the idea of Him being less than that
Situations will suggest He has broken His word
So will feelings
Our world is twisted, wicked, corrupted
But He is not
In order for us to relate to the incorruptible from the point of view of corruption, we must see what is not seen
We must have faith
Faith reconciles our eyes and our hearts to holiness
He is Holy
Perfect love, faithfulness, integrity
We can't conceive of what that is or even what it fully means
Faith allows us to bridge that gap

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