Friday, May 8, 2015

Vulnerability and Connection

First let me deal with some religious devils.  Penis.  Did that offend you?  Good.  The source of the offense needs to be exposed.  The idea that somehow the medical term for a body part is inherently filthy is a demonic doctrine straight from the pit of hell.  It is the carnal thought patterns stuck in your head that cause you to either fear or hate the penis.  It may have been trauma or tragedy that taught you to disdain that body part or it may have simply been religious ignorance.  Either way, God created it.  Satan did not.  Take a minute to get over it if you need to.  I'll wait.

So what's the big deal about the penis?  Well, like everything else about our body, it represents an aspect of God and relationship.  He told me to look at it from a mechanical perspective first.  The penis serves the purpose of connection or joining of one person to another.  We are all familiar with this concept.  A power plug has prongs on it that jut out so it can be connected or joined to the power-giving wall socket.  God said in Genesis that a man will leave his parents and be JOINED to his wife.  The two shall become ONE FLESH.  The penis is one part of the connector that allows for the joining.  The man gives, the woman receives.  A connection is made and life is the result!

But there's more to it than that.  God told Abraham that the sign of His covenant would be circumcision.  What is circumcision?  Well, every male is born with a sort of sheath of skin, like a hood, that covers the tip of a penis.  Many don't realize it but while the foreskin is in tact, the tip of the penis is protected and remains extremely sensitive.  When exposed by the pulling back of the foreskin, the penis, and therefore the man, is extremely vulnerable.  The act of cutting away that layer of protection causes the tip of the penis to be FOREVER EXPOSED.

Now, circumcision no longer serves any purpose in the Kingdom.  God said it would be a "sign" of the covenant.  Since Abraham's time we've learned that all the signs pointed to the life we now live in communion with God.  Circumcision was a prophetic picture, a living parable, of the way in which we are to come into the Kingdom and the way in which the Kingdom comes into us.  Just as God commanded Abraham that any convert or newly purchased slave would have to be circumcised as a sign of their new identity, anyone entering the Kingdom of God because of Jesus would also have to be circumcised in the place with which they are joined to their love:  the heart.

In Deuteronomy 30:6, God prophesies "The LORD your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live."

Paul says in Romans 2:29 "But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God."

Nothing is more important than our connection to Him.  And without a completely vulnerable heart, we are unable to love Him as He desires.  Sexual perversion is exceptionally heinous, not because it's twisted, but because of what it has twisted.  Modesty and purity in our bodies was always meant to mirror modesty and purity with our connection to God.  Though we can live without shame, we cover the parts of our body that we use to connect to our spouse because they are intended and set aside specifically for that person and that person alone.  In the same way, we have a secret place, or marriage bed, with God.  We have intercourse with the Lord in the spirit.  He enters us and we enter Him and bliss and life are the result!  The New Testament calls it fellowship and communion.  We are told that in His presence if fullness of joy.  What parallel in the natural does that sound like?  We keep it secret and covered so that we remember it's only meant for Him.  It is a sacrifice we make, just as in keeping our privates covered until married, that honors the one with whom we connect.

So, before you discuss the penis, understand that heaven does not see it as a weapon or a toy.  Heaven sees it as a sign that points to inevitable and permanent joining.

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