Friday, April 11, 2014

Signs, Seasons, and Parties

There has been much talk lately about the upcoming blood moon tetrad (4 blood moons in a row).  Let me start by saying that the tetrad is significant, in my opinion.  Here's why:

Gen 1:14 (Amplified) And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs and tokens [of God's provident care], and [to mark] seasons, days, and years,

Read that part in bold again.  It's important.  The creation account given by Moses from God is very very lean on detail.  That means that whatever God saw fit to tell Moses about the beginning is very important.  God chose His words well.

That said, there are currently 2 widely held views on the upcoming tetrad:
  1. Dispensationalist:  the 4 blood moons are a sign of the end times or apocalypse.  The rapture is upon us or soon will be.
  2. Preterist:  the 4 blood moons are a sign of absolutely nothing.
I have come to rest mostly on the preterist side of eschatology but I think that sometimes the preterists react to the views of dispensationalists instead of actually looking at what God may be doing.  In short, I believe both camps are wrong.  Genesis clearly states that God put the lights in the sky to serve both as "signs" and to "mark seasons".  Essentially, they are part of creation that testifies to what God is doing.  That doesn't mean that the sign itself will tell you what He is doing; you have to seek Him to find that out.  But the signs are important.  It would be foolish to simply ignore them outright.  The blood moons alone tell us nothing.  But when viewed in the light of prayer, experience, prophesy, and scripture, I believe the tetrad is simply a confirmation in the natural of what God is already doing in the supernatural.

So, here's what I believe about the blood moon tetrad:
  1. They are a sign.  Like a mile marker or a speed limit sign, they serve the purpose of causing awareness.  I believe the intended effect of this type of sign is to get people curious.  Simple.  Effective.  God is saying, "Hey, head's up, guys!"  He wants us looking, watching, anticipating Him.
  2. This is a rather elaborate sign.  God only does that kind of thing for big moves.  Consider the star the magi followed to find baby Jesus.  The bigger the sign, the bigger the whammy.
  3. They do not foretell the end of the world.  Jesus was quite clear that none of us can possibly know when that will happen.  I agree with the preterists on this one.  It's not biblical for us to look up in the sky and say, "He's coming back for us this week." 
  4. They do not foretell of destruction.  God is not angry.  We do not live under the Old Covenant.  Please stop making God out to be some angry orphanage director.  He loves us all.  Yes, even the Taliban and gays.  Remember what spirit you are of before you start talking about smiting things.
  5. They do not tie into the fate of modern-day Israel.  Under the New Covenant, we are all His children.  The scope of signs and wonders are no longer limited to Israel.
  6. They DO mark the end of one thing and the beginning of another.  As has been prophesied recently, this year will begin a new chapter for all of creation.  God is moving.
  7. There is poetic symbolism in this sign.  I've been asking God for clarity on the significance of blood moons for some time.  He answered me today.
Whether you agree or disagree with me, please just read on.  

Here is what I believe God showed me about the meaning or message within the sign:  threshold.  Our God is a God of the threshold covenant.  You can see it in Genesis when Lot took responsibility for the angels who came to rescue him from the destruction of Sodom.  He offered his own daughters to the angry mob in order to protect the two "men" who had crossed his threshold.  It was understood from the beginning of civilization that when you cross a threshold, you are then under the responsibility of the person whose house you just entered.  This is further seen in Exodus when God told the Israelites to coat the lintel and door posts of their homes with the blood of the lamb.  They were essentially told to mark their threshold with the blood of a spotless lamb.  Anyone who crossed over that threshold would be spared the plague of the death of first born's.  A threshold is a significant demarcation in the spirit.  Finally in the New Testament we see Jesus hanging on a vertical wooden structure, stricken, bleeding on it.  He said it Himself:

John 10:9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

Jesus on the cross was a threshold.  What Passover prophesied, Calvary fulfilled.  This brings me to the symbolism in the blood moon tetrad.  The first of the blood moons actually falls on the first day of passover (in fact, every blood moon of this tetrad falls on a Jewish high holiday).  I believe God is saying here that we are entering a new season that cannot compare to any other season.  It's important, special.  The blood moons fall on holidays because He wants us to make a connection between the original Jewish holidays and why they were instituted.  Each holiday was instituted to honor some move of God.  It was either His sovereign command to hold a holiday or Israel instituted it to honor Him moving on their behalf.  I believe He's saying, "I'm about to move on your behalf in a sovereign way."  Now, the fact that they begin on passover is also significant because of the two-fold meaning of passover:

  • Threshold

  All 4 blood moons represent the door posts, the lentil, and the threshold (the bottom beam below your feet) all covered in blood.  We are entering into a season that He has ordained and planned.  Once inside, we can rest easy because He will keep the threshold covenant.  This is His way of saying, "It's all on me for this season, guys.  Drink up!"

  •   Communion

During the most significant passover to-date, Jesus instituted The Lord's Supper, also known as Holy Communion.  This is huge.  He is inviting us to a dinner this year, at His expense once again.  It's been prophesied that we will "see His face" during this move.  I believe it.  I believe the signs point to it.  I believe the tetrad is a love note in the sky inviting us into a type of communion that not even Moses was allowed to take part in.

It is a love party.  He's going to pour out His fiery, passionate love on all flesh.  We will come alive in ways that we could only previously dream about.  This is the bachelor party of The Lamb and we have all been born to take part in it.

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